The KM Insurance Real Estate Coverage Guide Part 4: Process for Purchase

The KM Insurance Real Estate Coverage Guide Part 4: Process for Purchase By Parker Cox Disclaimer – The information contained in this writing is not guaranteed to be accurate. The information provided is general in nature, broad in scope, attributed solely to its individual author’s personal understanding, and cannot be relied upon to substitute for specialized consultation…


Ready. Set. Network.

Like most young professionals, it wasn’t many years ago that I was deciding between being a professional athlete and a professional “something” (commercial insurance agent in my case). Of course, I settled on not-pro athlete for the glamour, fame and respect provided from the insurance world. *cough* And though millions of people will likely never…


The Other Half of Communication

The sales business: talking, speaking, telling stories, speaking, closing, talking, asking questions, telling jokes, speaking, talking, persuading…etc Often, those of us inclined to “communication” (ie: talking, speaking, telling stories…you get the picture) feel that all others are inclined to equal interaction and that leads us to believe that the person who talks most wins–because the…
