San Diego has not had a major earthquake since 2010 and scientists believe that there is a 99% chance that a “big one” will hit within the next 30 years. Are you the type of person who thinks that disasters happen to other people but not to yourself? Or are you the type of person who gets ready before disaster strikes? If you are the latter, then call KM Insurance Services for a San Diego Earthquake Insurance Quote.
Earthquake Insurance: Do You Need It?
Earthquake insurance is exactly what you might think it is: insurance on your property for damages caused by an earthquake. Insurance of this type is not very popular because:
1- it is not required by law, and
2- it is quite expensive.
Earthquake insurance is expensive because if an earthquake hits, the damage will be severe and the payout will be high. Insurance companies will take that into consideration when they offer you a price quote. The price of earthquake insurance will depend on where you are located, the age of the house, and the size of the house. You can use this online calculator to get an estimate. Keep in mind that this is a generic online estimate. For a more accurate San Diego earthquake insurance quote, call KM Insurance Services. we work with over 20+ insurance providers and we can find you the best deal available
Get a San Diego Earthquake Insurance Quote
KM Insurance Services has been in the business of protecting homeowners for 40 years, we understand how devastating it can be to incur damages or to be held liable for injuries. We recommend getting a San Diego Earthquake Insurance Quote just to see what it is. It’s better to know rather than to not know. We offer no-obligation quotes so you can decide if earth insurance is something you are willing to pay for. Remember: scientists think that there is a 99% chance that an earthquake with a magnitude 6.7 or higher will occur within the next 30 years. Call us for a customized San Diego Earthquake Insurance Quote. Contact us by Email or by telephone at: (619) 667-2880.